Getting into medical school is hard, that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. Give me 90 minutes, and I will give you the simplest, clearest and surest path to living your doctor dreams!


Andre Pinesett, M.D., MPH

For over 15 years, I have helped thousands of students get motivated, get better grades with less studying, and ultimately achieve their academic goals. I was the under-performing, stressed out student, so I completely understand. But I developed a revolutionary new approach to studying and time management that changed everything and enabled me to DOMINATE college while only studying 10 hours per week, and graduate from Stanford Medical School in the top 5% of my class.

Now, I'm on a mission to prove that school doesn have to be hard, that studying can be fun and that ANY student (including you) can be great!



Hosted by Dr. Andre Pinesett, a renowned learning and time management expert and Stanford-trained doctor.