Premed Advisor Racism: You're Too Black To Become a Doctor!

premed Jul 16, 2020


If you are a student of color, just know that you are not alone! We see you and understand you. Keep pushing and keep trying to dominate!


Full Episode Transcript


Dr. Pinesett here, and we're continuing our discussion live-action, talking about racism and discrimination and systemic racism in higher education - in the pathway to becoming a doctor. And today we're getting to the level, we've done junior high, high school, and we're advancing to college now. And we're talking about a counselor telling a student to get their black selves back over to the side of campus. They are equipped to handle not the science side and they can never be a doctor. So today we're talking about that guys, get ready. We're going to talk about this racism, this discrimination. If you guys are ready for it, giving you like right now, let me know. You're ready to hear it. We are live-action let's go!


Stop making excuses. Stop whining. Stop, right? Get at it. No excuses just dominate!


All right guys. So we are back again. This is our third day in a row. If you guys are enjoying this, Tamaro, what is up? Uh, we're talking about racism and remember guys, this is a discussion. So I'm gonna open this up and give you guys time to comment in the box.


I feel like we don't get the chance to get everybody's comments, but I'm going to share my college story. And one of the many I have of racism in college. Uh, but I want you guys, if you guys are a student of color, if you are going through the premed pathway, if you are not even a premed, right? We've got some of you guys on here,


What's up Kip? That has been forever, man. How's it going?


Uh, what experiences have you guys had as you guys go through your journey, right? Brent, what experiences have you had with discrimination or racism through your journey, right? And as you go to try to become a doctor, what has been kind of the things you guys have experienced? Let's talk about it, right? Solidarity, because we are one, we are sharing stories. You're absolutely right. Marrow. All right. So we'll start with my story. And if you guys have not heard this story, it is literally simultaneously one of the worst days of my life and one of the best days of my life, because it hurt tremendously.


It led to a lot of tears, a lot of upset feelings, a lot of hurts, but at the same time, it was that hurt that sadness. That propelled me to be the Stanford trained physician I am today, the anesthesiologist I am today. So I'm forever grateful for that day. And the way this plays out guys is, as you guys know, I'm a first-generation college student. I'm so fortunate. I'm so blessed. And so thankful my mom went back and just graduated college actually a couple of months ago. Right. Very exciting. But at the time I went to college, none of my parents had graduated from college.


Yesenia, what is up, uh, Erica, hello?

No offense of going to college. I didn't know what I was doing. Um, I got there and I was still in this early part of my career. And while I'm very confident now, early in my career, I didn't necessarily have all that confidence for of the things we've talked about in this, in this series already is that I wasn't the fully confident student.
In fact, when I got to UC Irvine, I looked around and this is back in the day you use your mind as It was, it was, it was a burgeoning diverse place for UCS, but it was not all that diverse. And the school was a ridiculous percentage of Asians. And then it was like another percentage of white. And then there was like a few black people sprinkle in. And so when I went there and I looked around, particularly in my premed courses, I was the only person who looked like me. And for students of color that in of itself, no one does anything. Right. And I often ask me when they're like, well, what is it like, like when people talk about like being a black person, what is it like? And, and one of my good friends, Mordecai, he characterized it best cause right? I said yesterday, we do a high school, 2,400 students, three black guys, one of the black guys, his yearbook quote was sometimes I feel like a chocolate chip in a giant sea of milk and forever, I've held onto that quote. And every time I say it, I'm like a, to Jesse bill because it's, it's like the perfect embodiment for who can understand what it's like to be black in America, black and higher education.
It's like being a chocolate chip in a giant sea of milk. It's very discombobulating. And I often put forth to people who are not black when they ask, well, what is it like being black in higher education? What's it like being a black doctor? I said a magic, right? They're like, I don't, I can't understand why it's uncomfortable. Like why it's so uncomfortable. Like we accept you for who you are all comes up. And I said, imagine I'm the only black person in this room.

Let's call it. There's 10 or, there's a hundred white people in the room. What if the ratio was reversed? So what if I took you and dropped you off somewhere where you were the only white person surrounded by 100 black people? Even if they were welcoming to you, would you, would you really ever feel like, Oh, we're the same we're simpatico.


Would you, how would like, would it be uncomfortable to you? How would it make you feel to be in that room?


Patrice what's with the emojis? I love it. Shailene. What is up?, uh, Alex, all the way back from UCLA prep, 2017, when I came to talk at UCLA, wow, what is that? Right? 


That's the equivalent, no matter how welcoming they are, you recognize that you are different and you maybe see things differently, and this is what happens, right? This is honestly because we're all humans. We all have feelings and times of relationships, right? In relationships, someone can say one thing or they can not say something.


And the other person in the relationship looks at them and thinks they're saying something and feels like they're saying something and feel some way about what just happened. Even though nothing really happened. Does anyone know what I am talking about. I said that, that unspoken feeling, how things were misinterpreted and what's unfortunate, is that, how do I say this?


Stereotyping is real. Bias is real. Discrimination is real.


Where it comes from is experience either experienced experience or for told experience. And this is the problem with racism, right? The way to end racism is to increase awareness, increase the information, increase education, increase exposure to the thing that you are scared of and what happens sometimes. And I've met many racist in my day. So many of them have never even met the type of person that they discriminate against.


How many guys let me be like that? Right? The, I don't like black people, right? We have some in my college door, right. We had a guy, am I going to say his name on his public forum? I tell him, I said, go find about his guy. We became great friends. I was like, he was, he was able to staunch. We used to have great discussions in the dorms about politics and life and different things. And he was a, I mean, like not hiding it at all. I am racist. I don't like black people. They're terrible. Good for nothing tricksters. Right? Get Chappelle skit. It was that lends a bunch of pelvis thought too.


It was kind of a funny mix because you literally have like the Clayton Bixby, like skit. And then you have this guy who's spouting the same rhetoric. And what was so interesting was that like, that's why I love Chappelle. Cause he tells the truth. He's honest. He has an observation. He sees it. He tells it. And the black you guys ever seen that black, the Clayton Bigsby. It's a great sketch. And the point that Chappelle trying to make it, literally it's a black, white supremacist, but he's blind. So he doesn't know he's black. And so what he's trying to say is it's just ignorance that makes people racist, but just, it's just a cultural thing. And so this guy was that exactly equivalent.


Cause one day I was like, listen, man, I'm like, you keep talking all this stuff. I said, What is the issue? Whatever happened to you, what a black person ever do to you to draw such ire from you. And he's like, Oh, well actually it was my buddy who had an altercation with some black guys. And he told me all about it.


And then ever since then, you know, rule out, I'm like, wait, wait, wait, wait. So you never actually had a black guy. No. I said, well, have you ever talked to a black person about this? No, I don't need to. And then we started having these long talks in the dorm and having it out by the end of the year, we really good friends. And he was like, man, I never knew. I never knew I was going off a false assumption being uninformed. And so I say all that, because sometimes in this world, guys, we are sensitive. We are, we feel things. We sense things. We think about things that aren't actually there, right?


Like, Oh, that was racist and may not have been racist, but you've had so many experiences where someone meant it in a racist way. Like I was having this discussion literally yesterday with one of the administrators at UCFD and this person works at the medical school. And if you guys were talking about this yesterday and we were talking about how you bridge this gap, but this administrator who's not black was asking all, listen, I have a question.


If someone says to me black lives matter, why is it wrong? If I want to say black lives also matter, or if I want to say all lives matter. And then I was like, well, what do you mean by that? And what he was trying to say is I'm not trying to tear away at black lives matter, but I just want to be aware that what we have to do was work for equality for all. And that we should use this moment where we saw the injustices perpetrated against a black person to say, listen, we can't allow this to happen to anyone. And we have to stand up for everyone who's being abused or being mistreated. Who's being assaulted whatever way.


And I said, you know what? That's a perfectly valid thought process. But what you have to understand is that most people who are yelling back all lives matter or, or white lives matter too. But some of those people saying all lives matter are attempting to undercut black lives matter. And so the pattern of people trying to undercut and to be, and to perpetuate that non-black lives matter is being overblown. You're being lumped in with them based on past experiences.


And so growing up as a person of color, you get so used to when people say certain things or people do certain things, you know, that's a sign, right? You know how you, you, you got like spider sense.


He's got a sixth sense for racism in the building. Everybody won't talk about that. Might've been got lost in the point. There were live action. But if you guys are still with me, you don't know what I'm saying, your comment right now. I liked the video. Let me know that what I was saying made sense. There were, I'm telling you guys, we are all the sum of our experiences. We are all the sum of our experiences. And some of us have had different experiences and bad experiences in certain situations that color the way we see certain things and the way we feel about certain things. Right?


And so for me, having the experience I had going to a high school is predominantly white. And having them feel comfortable enough to think that I'm not a real black person to say crazy racist stuff to me about other minorities, I internalize that. And I said, you know what, when they're looking at me kind of funny, right? When, when, like when they do certain things, when I say certain things, they're really being racist right now, they're really discriminating. They're really letting me know their true feelings about me. Right. Strange. All right. But we have these experiences. And so I went into college thinking, man, these people are all judging me, throw a looking at me.


They'll think I don't deserve to be here. And I'm sure many of them were thinking the same thing. I'm thinking like, man, I just want to get through. I'm just trying to make it through college. But in my mind was like, Oh man, they don't like me. Right. And so I already didn't feel like I belonged. And so, and so I felt like I didn't belong. I felt that imposter syndrome, I felt like, man, just, I know it like one of the last thing my dad said to me before I left for college was don't get sent home and embarrass us. And so all I was thinking was, man, do not flunk out your dad. And my dad's a big guy.


He's not going to be approving. If I get sent home, he's going to be, it's going to be hell to pay if I get sent home from college because I can't deliver. So I was like, just stay focused, stay on track. And while I was trying to find my footing right, while I was trying to find myself in college early on, honestly, I, it was a new experience. And maybe it was because I felt like an imposter that I felt such need to be social and to go to things and be involved. But I was just trying to have a good time. You know, I was just trying to make friends and be about things and party and go to this club and do all these things.


Like I'm just everywhere and nowhere at the same time. And I wasn't doing the job I should be doing, but I was getting by in my mind. And then I get to the end of my freshman year and they sent an email saying, Hey, listen, your premed advisor, your college counselor. We want to meet with you to help you meet, reach your goals and see how we can help you. And I was like, Oh, okay. Amazing, amazing. So I set this meeting. I go to this meeting and the partier in me, right? The, the wild young person. I was 18. I literally had an electric, electric, blue. Not that this was custom y'all I had to go to surf shop and get this.


It was electric, blue, heavy duty razor scooter. You might remember razors. I had an electric blue, heavy duty to hold all this poundage, razor, scooter. And I had my board shorts on my flip flops and a tee shirt hopped on my razor scooter. And I razor scooters down to the biocide office at UC Irvine. If you guys are familiar with your rights campus, the big circle loop and where I was coming from the dorm, just all downhills, perfect zoom right into the council's office.


So I got down there, I got down there early. I was ready if the ready, told my future how I'm about to be a doctor about my amazing, I'm about to be the first of my family to be a doctor, my public, my community, about to help people show me. What's about love. I'm so excited for this meeting. I get in there, sit down with the counselor and she said, look nice to meet you. And she says, hold on a second. While I read your file, she had this huge stack of all these files on her desk that were just sitting there and she goes, get fines. Mine flips through it for like three minutes, sent it down to the hit. Great. Now I know who you are. Tell me what you want to do. And I said, Oh, I want to be a doctor. Doctor. Yeah. That means I'm premed. Did you know that? Right?


And I'm like, Tom, I want to be doctor. And she's like a doctor, what kind of doctor? I'm like, are you crazy? There's only one type of doc. And this is how again, how I was thinking young first generation. There's only one type of doctor. Come on MD. Y'all like, that's, I'm like, I'm a medical doctor. What do you mean?


Like a doctor? I want to say wives as she goes home. Yeah. I'm sorry to tell you. You can't be a doctor. Who? Me? What? Me? I was like, well, maybe I can't be a doctor. Cause see what else? Yeah, we are back live action. So what are you gonna be a doctor? What are you talking about? Just to get you can't be a doctor. Like I don't understand. She's like you have to be exceptional. You have to be exceptional to get into medical school and you are an average student. And I hang on that line guys because it's literally, it's what drives my whole freaking life. When she told me this, y'all imagine you have to be exceptional to get into medical school, but you are an average student. I, it was a long time. I stay up at night and think about that one phrase. And I, and again, it took me a second kind of stunned me. I was like, wait, I'm an average student, but I'm doing it right.


Like we know you don't, you know, like, you know how someone tells you something and it's clearly out of their field. It's really shocking. You're trying to find the words and like ruminate, like figure out what you're at. Wait a minute. I'm like, no, I think I'm doing okay. Like, like, like I know, you know, it's not going the best, but I haven't failed any classes and you know, I'm going to get better. And she's like, no, she's like, no. Um, I don't, I don't think you have what it takes to get into medical school. And to be honest with you, I don't think you should waste any more time in the sciences. I think that you should change your major to African studies or African American studies,  whatever, when she said, and I was like, what? And she's like, yeah. You know, it's just going to be a lot of effort on your part for nothing, because I don't think you're ever going to get into any medical school ever. So she was really laying it out. Like, no, not any school, anytime not ever go change your major to African American studies.


And the moment I was too shocked by that not being a doctor part, I didn't even realize how racist, what you just said to me was Imagine that. And she said, you should go change your major in African American studies where you have more of a proclivity for success. And I was like a proclivity for success. What, like, and again, it didn't at that moment. That wasn't what I was focused on. But as I look back on it, right, and when she told me all this stuff, she hands me the change of major paperwork, all this stuff. I leave the office and write. I went downhill to the office on my razor scooter. So now it's uphill. And it just so happened.


Even though this is sunny, Southern California, it immediately started snowing and hailing. I walked out of the counselor's office, snow hail tornado, everything was down in my life and I had to walk, right. I was too distraught or I'd already just go ahead. If the rate's good over my shoulder. And I had to walk uphill in the snow, back to my dorm. And I got back to my dorm guys. And again, I'm a big guy. I've always been a big guy. I go back to my dorm and I laid on my bed guys. And I live in a triple occupancy dorm.


So it's kind of awkward. Cause I'm under, I'm in a bottom bunk, in a dorm room, big man, tiny bunk in dorm rooms. And I guys had grabbed my pillow and I fricking cried my eyes out. Like, and I'm not a crier, but it was, it was such a devastating moment in my life. And for you guys, if you guys are premed, you guys know what I'm talking about because when you are premed, it's literally everything you think about.


It's everything you tell people how you define yourself. People ask, Hey, what's going on? I'm premed or premed. Like it's what is your life? And so I felt like she had literally, it was almost like she was trying to kill me. Like it was, it was, she was destroying this vision I had of myself as this amazing doctor, as this pillar, as this beacon of hope for other students of color, it was like she had snatched all that and told me that I couldn't do it. And I was really upset. I was really upset. I was really upset. And as we continue to say these, all these videos, my parents came to my rescue and I immediately made a phone call.


As I got done crying for a little while I called my mom and I was like, Hey mom, here's what's happening. Like, you know, my counselor told me that I'm an average student and I can't get the medical schools. I can't be exceptional. You know, I just can't get the A's. And my mom, again, being the wonderful person, she is, was like, well, if you're not getting A's, but someone else is getting A's, it's not impossible. Just figure out what they're doing to get the A's. And I got, of course, what do you, what are you guys doing? Your parents tell you that we'll try to fix your problems, which you solve your problems.


I was like, no, mom, you don't understand. I was like all outraged. She had to go to on the phone, up on me. And uh, I was like, you crazy? I can't get no A's I'm not an a student look at these students. It's not me. And so I called my dad and my dad on the phone and I told him about my situation - I couldn't be a doctor. And my dad simply said to me, he was at work. He's like, listen, I'm at work on time for this, but you know, better than to call me to come on. I can't go to the job. Done hung the phone up on me. And I pulled my pants up, hung up on me.


My counselor told me my dream is over. My dream is dead. And so I cried and cried and I cried and cried and cried in the credit grade. And through all that crying guys, I recognize that I realized, and it was literally the turning point in my life that this woman, this woman, this is why I preach so hard on you guys.


No way. She was just dominant. This woman had attempted to put a limitation on my life and to box me in and tell me exactly what my life was worth, which was nothing. She tried to tell me that I wasn't excellent, that I wasn't greatness, reincarnated that I wasn't the domination, the straight, pure domination at my core that I am.


She tried to tell me that. And in that moment I recognized this is like, this is totally off topic on topic. It's a great lesson for you guys is that many of us, there are very few people. I feel like me. Let me know who here likes to be told what to do. Who hears like, Ooh, I love you bossed around.


I love be told what to do without having a boss. If I couldn't have a boss for forever, who likes being told what to do? Who likes being told what you can't do? Who likes that? Who likes that? I'm asking this question, right? Like who, who likes being told what to do and what they can't. I was telling my students I've been watching lost for the second time. Thinking maybe it'd be better the second time. It is not better, but there's a character in there who I think embodies at least my spirit. And I think a lot of students where he's like, don't tell me what I can and cannot do. Right? It's like, that's me. I hate being told what to do and what I recognized. I want you guys to learn this point in life.


People can only tell you what to do and what you can't do if you allow them to. And if you give them that power and he may be like, wait a minute, do you mean give them that power? You give people power over your life. When you don't take charge of your life and be, and live your greatness. In this situation, this woman could tell me I would never be a doctor. And it could tell me to my major and tell him about how, what it takes. Because guys, I didn't deliver. I wasn't living my best life in the right way. I was living my best life, living my best life, but I wasn't living the life I should be living.


And because I was choosing to procrastinate, to slack off, to do all the wrong things, to doubt myself, I put myself in a predicament to have someone else's doubts, become our reality. Does everybody tell me just what I'm just saying right there? So many of you guys are like, man, I'm so sick of people telling me I'm not good enough.


Some people telling me, limiting me here. I'm supposed to get not having opportunities. The question I would ask you guys, this is the question I asked myself that day. Like what, how did I get to this point, did I? I had to recognize that it was my fault that this woman was in charge and could limit my life because I didn't step up and be my greatness.


So I gave over power to her. Does everybody understand what I'm saying in this world? If you have to strive, particularly if you are a person of color, a student of color, if you are a woman you can't afford to be average. And that's why I said that line. You have to be exceptional. It can't be average too many of you guys are okay being average. And if you are from a historically disenfranchised group, like black people in America, like women, you can't afford to be just average because people are looking for every opportunity to use their bias, to use their damn discrimination, to use their racism, do users, sexism against you. So what you have to do is at all times, right?


You don't have to be, but you got to be living your greatness, doing your best. You gotta be growing, improving yourself, and being so great. Letting your star shine so bright that not only can they not stop you there too blinded by your huge shining star to even be able to hate on you. And that's what I always tell people, be like, Oh, you're cocky and arrogant.


I'm like your gosh, darn, right? Because I'm so great. You can say whatever you want about me or you hate me that I'm cocky, but you don't agree with me. But what you cannot say is that I'm not pure domination. Yeah. You can never say that. You can hate me all you want, but you can't say that I'm not the best. I'm sorry. And so, because of that, I have no limits. People want to criticize me for this or for that or whatever. And we're getting off the point, but we're on the point. Criticism means nothing. If you know your greatness, my grades flawless. After that, my test scores, 95th, 98th percentile. You can't mess with it.


I graduated top 5% Stanford med school. Y'all you have to be so great that other people, it doesn't phase you. Does that make sense to everybody? What I'm saying right now, we have to understand this. If you are a disenfranchised group, you have to step up and say, nah, I'm going to be great. And I'm going to be so great that they cannot deny me. What is mine? Does everybody understand? I know this is a sidetrack, but in that moment I recognized that I was not living my freaking greatness. I was not doing the preparation work. I was procrastinating. I was making the wrong choices. I was living a life that allowed people to put me in a freaking box. And like, why am I so crazy now?


Because I refuse to be putting any box I'll at work. Anybody I'll do what? Just to be outside of a box. When I worked with my students and it was there been a coaching session with me where I would do coaching every week. I've never in the coaching session on time, not once in my entire life. Why? Because I'm like, shoot, if we're going to do it, let's do it. Like I said, yeah, we did it for 60 minutes. We knew two hours. If we're 93, let's do it. Cause I cannot not have it be the best thing ever. Right?


You got to look at your life that way and say, man, how can I be my best? You don't have to be perfect. But ask yourself a real question of, are you being your best? Okay. So when that moment I had to recognize that I wasn't at my best. I let him get control of me and I recognize it. I had to change my entire life or my entire game up. And I switched my whole stuff around.


Y'all everything. I started investing in, developing in myself, buying every single book, every single thing that I could on studying, downloading all the articles I could read in the literature, developing myself, understand what success was sort of going to every event that was networking, a professional element, becoming the expert. I wanted to be setting up meetings with people who were informed to educate me about the process.


And then with that information, I started working hard y'all and I became that excellent student, that exceptional student and I got into Stanford med school. The coolest thing was, is I got to go back to this woman. And as part of that, and actually I won't show it to my wall, but on my wall here, I have I'm coming for everything they said I couldn't have. And I keep this one up. I rotate my other ones. Like I posted on my wall, but I got one poster. It's always up. I'm coming for everything they said I couldn't have. And cause Steve to the infamous off topic on topic, I'm always, that's what I always say to go off topic on topic, right? It's when we say coaching.


Um, but that woman's comments, her discrimination that day fueled my fire guys. And when I got accepted to Stanford med school, I photocopied my acceptance letter. And I went back to UCI'ss counseling department. And I went back to her office. I said, Hey, I don't know if you remember me, I amAndre Pinesett. I was here a while back.


You were my counselor. And she was like, Oh my gosh, how are you? How have you been? I said, Oh actually, you know, things are great. It's got accepted to Stanford medical school. She's like, Oh my gosh. I always knew you could do it. You are so bright when you were here and started like, introduce me. Someone else is going to ask you this entrepreneur said he was one of my brightest students and whatever. And I was like, actually you did not believe in me. You were the opposite. You told me I would never get into medical school ever. Any medical school ever, or the words you used, you told me I was average and not exceptional.


I wouldn't get there. You told me to change my major. And she had this like, Oh gosh, I'm looking at her. And I said, listen, no, no, no, no. I'm not upset. I'm here to give you a copy of my acceptance letter because my acceptance is a direct result of you. Because what you said to me that day, it was wrong. But it was right because I was an average student. I was not on track to get the medical school. But your words inspired me to get on track. Your words made me do that extra studying at two in the morning, your word made it so that I always went the extra mile because I didn't want to see the smug look on your face to say,Oh, I was right about that failure and forever in this journey guys.


And this is, I guess the message for tonight before we get to you guys, the stories is that oftentimes people of color are told to look the other way when people are racist. Oh, don't even, don't let that get you down. Don't even worry about that. Don't ignore them after they didn't say it, right? Like ignore racism, ignore discrimination, ignore the slides of your life. And I say the exact gosh, darn opposite. Remember it. Pull out your phone. And we've got a camera on her phone nowadays. Okay. Pull out your phone, turn on the camera to excuse me. Racist. Can you repeat your racist statement to me again?


Excuse me, hater. Can you say that? Hate to me one more time to the camera so I can have it. And I want you to watch that film every single day. Because every single day I say you should keep me up at night. Oh, I'm not exceptional. I'm not exceptional. OU is more hours of work and I would get to work and I would get it done.


And so for students of color, yes, people are gonna discriminate. You, you, people are going to hit on you. People need to have expressed like this. People are lighting up the box. Whenever we're talking about in two seconds, recognize that people are going to hate on you. People can tell you what you can't do. Don't shut her at that.


Don't try to forget it. Remember it, let it soak in. Feel the sting of that, because that is the motivation you've been looking for. That's the power. That's the power. Does that make sense to everybody? You there's power in that. So use all this opposition. When you see somebody in the street, right? You guys are seeing these videos, people at the protest, screaming and women's facets of the video and I'm ashamed. I think it was in California. This black woman is holding a sign and she's protesting peacefully with her mask on, keep in mind, people were trying to say protest. Y'all heard no mass. And this large white gentleman gets in her face and screams profanities directly in her face.


Bam, bam, bam, bam, scream events in her face. And she's just standing there holding a sign. Don't shut her from that. Don't forget that. Hold it, hold it. Y'all and use that animosity. Use that anger. Use that sour pill to power your journey. Does this make sense to everybody? The other point I want to make and I see all you guys are stories here. When you start sharing it, people don't know how people told them. They couldn't take it. They couldn't, they didn't have what it takes. People telling them they couldn't be successful. Right. I had the same experience. It made me mad. It propelled me. People are talking about this, right? Right. When people are saying, this is their experience,


Right? This is people's experience. I'm pulling them up on the box right here. Does everybody see this? Does everybody understand? Right. I'm pulling a couple of them cause I can't get them all. But do you guys understand that this is not just me. This is many students being told these things being right, being down. And what's important about this is we talk about the lack of diversity in higher education.


We talk about the lack of diversity in medicine. Why is this so problematic? These incidents? Because if it wasn't for the phone calls I made to my parents, if it wasn't for the fact that I am a very, very angry person who doesn't like being told what to do or what not to do, maybe I would have been the statistic that many students of color are, who are told, Hey, you aren't capable. You aren't competent. Get out of this field. And they change majors. They change pursuits. They lower their expectations, their standards of themselves. And they can't. They say I can't be a doctor. And I'm telling you, I have a lot of people. Students come shadow me.


A lot of students who email me and say, yeah, you know, I've always thought I could only be a nurse. And I'm not saying nurses. And it was a great career. But people say, I can only be a nurse. I can only be a tech. I can only be right. Because they think that a doctor is outside their reach. We've got to counteract these moments. And one of the things that we continue to talk about, and this is right, this, this need to change these things. And yes, we like, I always push. I always push, changing yourself. Like I changed myself. I couldn't change her, changing myself, but I hope that by me going back and hurt me, giving her that letter, that it would change how she would handle it, a future student. But what I think universities have to do a better job. It's almost like, and this is going to be a weird comment, guys. This is a weird comment, please don't send me hate mail saying that, that I was promoting pedophilia.


And I was comparing a premed advisors to pedophiles. But if you are a pedophile, right, you're a sex offender. You have to register as a sex offender, right. And you have to be screened. And for certain positions, they always check criminal background checks for, Hey, can you work around kids? Are you safe around kids? Are you competent? Or can we trust you? I think they should put in training, cultural competence training for people who are going to be in authority positions for students.


So all these counselors, they should know more than just what's offered in the registrar and the, and what class needed to take. They should be trained in how to manage conflict, how to deal with their biases, how to deal with people from different cultural backgrounds. And we should screen them and test them and evaluate them on those bases. Not just on how they evaluate students' curriculum.


How are you evaluating the student? How are you treating the students as people, as individuals and based on their cultural need? How are you meeting them where they are? Does that make sense to everybody? I know that was, I was trying to say like, essentially we need to have some things in place where we can account for that because it's devastating for people early in their career when they're just trying to find themselves and we all experienced whatever color you are, the transition to college shoot. It's a whole new world. And so we have to recognize that we need to make sure we put people in place who are competent, who are capable, who are willing, who want to understand specifically what the student's going for going through and meet them there and support them.


Because the way I've always looked at this and when I go out and I do educator trainings right nowI go teach counseling departments about the premed process. Or I go teach educators and learning centers about effective learning. Right? One of the things I've always tried to address is where a student is right now is not where they are for forever. And what I want all of us when I'm talking to educators, I want, all of you guys to understand is when you're doing with a student, you are never allowed to tell them what they can't become. Because these people are looking to you as someone who's knowledgeable someone's experience to guide them. It's not for you to label it. Your job is to facilitate them getting to where they need to be. Not labeling them as not being where they need to be. We have to flip that process. Does everybody see what I'm saying right there?


We've got to turn that around. It's not about labels. It's not about saying, Hey, you're dumb. You're in capable. You're disorganized. You don't have this curriculars. You don't have the research. You don't have no, that's not your job to label what your job to do is to get me there. That's where your focus needs to be.


And it's one of the reasons like I'm, I'm, I'm always super down on forums and different kinds of things because people think, Oh, if I send this person to DM or I send this person, I messaged her. I posted my thing on the forum. I'm going to get real meaningful feedback. And I'll give you an example. There's this guy.


I forget what his name is. He was like an English major. And I think he went a medical school. I don't know. I can't remember, but this guy posted on Twitter. Hey, all students of color, send me your personal statements for medical school. I'll read them for free. And people were all excited. That's all it's shared all over my timeline. Oh my gosh, this guy's doing such an amazing thing to help all these students. What's the problem with that. If you've got on Twitter, let's assume he's an expert. I don't know if he is or not. As soon as he's an expert. And he says, listen, every student of color, who's applying to medical school, send me your personal statement.


I'll read it for free and review for free. What's the problem with that? I agree. One tall girl, right? Some doctors would be more blunt, more racist and premed advisors. We're going to talk about this and doctors make awful premed advisors. Why? Because they're too far removed from the, and they're not invested in that's the reality. What's the problem with a guy on Twitter who were going to say, as an expert, he may not be who says all students of color, send me personal statements. I'll read them for free. Let's assume he's an expert. For example, if I said, Hey guys, everyone on here right now, all of you guys that are on here right now, I want all of you to send me personal statements. I'll read them for free.


What's the problem. There we go. Shannon. Got it. Boom. If I'm one person and I tell a hundred people to send me the personal statement, I'm going to review them. How can I read at a good depth level and edit and revise and give real meaningful feedback on all those hundred personal statements? So what ends up happening? You get a dilute evaluation.


You get meaningless, empty, superficial feedback, right? I'm a, I'm a paid advisor. People pay me to read the personal statements and applications. I can have as many things as I want. I do 10 individual applications a year 10. Why? Because each one of these students gets my full attention A to Z. Does everybody understand what I'm saying?


My bootcamp, right? How many students? My application bootcamp, a hundred students, my individual coaching, 10 students, because I need to make sure that everyone is at this level. It's my job to get you from here to here. Not my job is that your personal statement sucks. Go fix it right more personally. You know what? Uh, tell, tell me more about this part of your life. No, I'm going to have real meaningful editing. Does everybody understand? I know that was off topic, but I just like, let's think about this. Like we have to make sure that we're paying attention. Guys. Pay attention, pay attention. Yes. We got to pay attention.


Oh, we just got on the topic. It's about doctors. No doctors would be horrible people to evaluate you and to be mentor. Like, they're good for mentorship, but they're not good for advisors. They're far away from the process. They are not actually experts in the process. Even though they are doctors because they don't study the process. You're only experts in what you're studying and they don't have time to develop into devote to actually giving you quality advice and to knowing and being current and all the advice.


Right. So Brian asks me if I'm still working in a hospital. Yeah, I work I'm at UCFD, but I only work part time as an anesthesiologist and what I were part time, because I made the conscious choice that it takes real commitment to work with students. And so if I'm working 70 hours a week in the hospital, how can I make sure that I'm available to my students?


How can I make sure that I'm up on the latest, I've gonna make sure that I'm bringing you guys have value stuff. Just saying the thought process. So anyway, Are these talks, helping people? Are you guys getting feeling a sense of commune, right? And that we are all people. And I think it's so important. The issue, I keep saying this people keep trying to politicize this it's Republicans.


It's Democrats. It's uh, it's it's this person versus that person. It's right. It's what's your belief system. It's about, are you a human? And the question becomes, do you want to care for people? Do you want to love people? And I keep saying like, our society is so fractured and so jacked up and so bad people are so miserable.


Why are people more miserable? Now? We've got everything to disposal. Why are people so miserable? Because we have dating apps because we have social media likes. We need more real love in the world and real kindness and real gestures. Have you guys seen the people out here pretending to do stuff? Did you guys see the girl with the drill who pertaining to board up the shop, but really just pulled up her car, take the picture of the drill, got back in the car and drove off. You see these interim influencers who are popping in front of protests. Pretend like they're part of the protest and it dipping right out. We need to stop the fake. And we need to start leading with love, leading with our heart and caring for people.


Just love people, man, people are different. We're all different people will have early about how difficult it is to be a Sikh guys. It is, it's difficult to be a woman. It's difficult to be of any backgrounds that it will be white. It's still going to be everything. I think that's, I guess the other argument was like, Oh, you're saying black lives matter. Like it's so hard on black people. It's hard to white people. It is hard. Everybody lives as far. So what we need to do was understand that people are different than us. People look different, but at the core of us, we just want love y'all. So let's love more. Let's treat people kindly, right? With respect, with dignity, we all deserve dignity. I think that's a real good word. Dignity. We want to treat patients with dignity. I all my patients, right? And I got patients that are in a gown. Their nuts are hanging out, right? It's uncomfortable. You're a grown man. I got another girl, man in here and your nuts are hanging out.


It's uncomfortable for you. I treat you with dignity. I'm covering your nuts up. I'm not gonna look at your nuts. I'm not gonna point out how your nuts are hanging out, covering that stuff, using dignity, right? Dignity, treat people with dignity, with respect the way you want to be treated. I'm glad that I fired you up.


Humble servant. Alright. It is hard to be a black woman in the medical field and we're going to have another conversation. And I know it's gonna be very unpopular. I already know it. I already know it, but we're going to have a talk because if you guys saw the Democrats right with their African garb on pandering, pandering to the black population, right? With our Afra Garba, we're going to have a discussion and it's going to be uncomfortable. And I'm having someone on who is of African descent. And I always make the comment. People call me African American. I'm like, I'm not, African-American not at all, but what you're African American. I know I'm African American at all.


I'm black American, not African American, you know, African about this. And I say that because it's important to delineate. Then when people see me, they see my black skin. They judge me on that. So I am black, but I am not African. And I won't let people use that term with me to make me less American than they are. And we're going to have discussion about African versus black American, because that's also an important distinction. And we're going to talk about that because, because there are different factors involved and the person I'm having on, we're going to, I think it's going to be two weeks or three weeks from now because now, right?


So starting next week, I'm sort of having a major figure. Who's a black, right? It was a black person or a person who is in a diversity office coming on to talk about diversity in medicine, higher education with us and this person, we had a great discussion about this versus a Dean of diversity at a medical school. And the discussion we had was centered on the difference in acceptance rates and attendance rates and the diversity of medicine. And it's African versus American black, and it's different. And it's two different pathways. And then the research of understanding the supply, what, how that transmits through higher education, whether you are African or whether you are black American, it's different. So we're going to talk about that too. Yeah. Uh, yeah. So discrimination in a medical application. Yeah. Uh, that's definitely something that we get to talk about because we're going to get there. Oh, we're gonna get there.


Cause right. So would you say college? So what's after college medical schools, I was thinking about medical, uh, discrimination. And I got some wonderful stories throughout which one we'll focus on this time. Um, Yeah. So Gina just hit the nail on the head. So Andreas asked this question, he, Dr. Pinesett why might someone might, why might someone prefer to be black over African-American? Uh, is there a major fact that delineates, the two I'll get into this briefly, I feel like African-American is political, political politicized to put the African upfront, to make people who are black, feel less American because we don't call white Americans, Euro, European Americans, or Euro Americans.


We call them Caucasian, but where's KA where's cos we're Caucasian. And so the point is, is that white? Right? We refer to them as white as in, they are American. They are America. And when we don't recognize that everyone is an immigrant to America, at some point in their history. And the difference between being African American and being black is that the African trajectory.


So people who write a lot of Nigerians, right? Why don't you got that pathway and that experience and that cultural background is entirely different than the American black entirely different. And so for me, I think it's important because, and I guess we'll kind of tease. This is that American blacks don't get into medical school, look around, look at all.


And I'm just, this is just, this is the facts guys. The reality look at SNMA leadership board. Look at the math leadership board. They're African blacks. They're not American blacks difference. And American blacks don't get into medical school. And so what's really happening is, is, and this is, again, this is the systemic racism is that people are bypassing the systemic racism by coming over at different points in their life.


Right. Because their parents and I said, why didn't you want to tell me right now? No, no, no. We'll save it for shadow. Well, you know, we'll talk about this tomorrow. We'll talk about it tomorrow. So tomorrow we're back at five o'clock and we'll talk about in addition to medical racism, because we're only got 50 minutes,


I'll talk about a medical racism and we'll talk about African versus American black. And it's a difference exactly, Ariana, yet. We're gonna talk about it, but I hope you guys are enjoying these videos. You guys are liking these. Make sure you guys take a second, like the video, take a second and comment. And I hope to see you guys all again tomorrow five o'clock thank you guys very much for joining me.


I hope that we are being, I'm trying to be as sensitive as I can, but as honest and real as I can guys, racism, discrimination, it's real. It's honest. It's truthful. It's there. We can overcome. We can get there, but it starts with understanding. It's gonna be hard to change outside things, get charged hard to change entire systems. We first got to change ourselves. And then through that, use that to educate, inform, to modify and to change the world. And the reason I became a doctor guys and for people to see my personal statement, like if you're my application, course, you see my personal statement. I wrote it in there. It's like the reason we a doctor is not to treat patients.


There's three reasons. Only one of them is treat patients. The other two. It's about empowering. It's about being a beacon and showing students of color, showing students who struggle academically, showing students who need help. You can do it, baby. Look at me. You may be average, but you can do it. So come on and get some of it.


Like I like that was like my, my big beam Jaguar to medical school, right? I just want to power. Like I love working with students, right? So I want young people to understand. Look, when you see me G you can be this, but let me show you too. Right? And I bring people along. That's what the website's all about.


Right? Studenttransformation, my website, Why? Because wherever you're at, I'm going to help you get to that next level. That's what I'm trying to do. And so with these videos, what I want, you guys understand whatever you're going through. I want you to look at me and say, you know what? He went through the same discrimination.


He had the same doubts about himself. He felt down on himself. He let people hurt his feelings. And then he said to himself, wait a minute. If I let their hurtful words hurt me and stop me and hold me down, all I'm doing is making them right. And then I'm going to have to see them smile when I fail and prove them.


Right? And he used that as fuel to do the right things, to be successful. And he said that his greatness could not be denied. And looking at me, he said, that's what I want you guys to understand and see is that this is real guys. People try to hold you down. And what you have to do is that you have to understand that.


And that's real. And it's there. And there are walls, the glass ceiling, but greatness knows no glass ceiling y'all greatness knows no glass ceiling. We dominate right through the glass ceiling. We pop that thing, right? The freak off what? Glass ceiling? I didn't see it walked right through it. Be that greatness. Y'all that's the point of these videos is that every every level there are obstacles. There are issues. There are problems, but we will overcome. Yes, yes. Y'all. We can get with it. We understand. And I want you guys it's incumbent upon all of you. I'm one person it's incumbent upon all of you to stand up. And when you see somebody struggling, you, they don't look like you.


If they're of another ethnicity, if they're of another cultural background, if they're in a different class, it's, whatever's happening. It's up to you to stand up, lead with your heart and say, no, I'm with you. I see you going through something. Come on, I'll lift you up. Let's go up. That's your responsible. That's what I charge you guys with.


Right? I want you to leave you guys with some kind of action. That's your action. When you see something wrong, fix it. When you see someone hurt, heal them. That's what I charge you guys with. We used to somebody being hated on you. Love them. Love them. People trip. I'm a big hugger. Like why are you always hugging people?


I held waitresses. Jennifer freaks out. I mean, I help people. Why? Because I felt people need more hugs than electricity. Love, man. I want people know that. Yeah. You love. If you've never got the help before you here's a hug right now. I love you. Somebody like there's there's, there's, there's love in my heart for you.


I want you guys to pass it on other people. All right, I'm done. I appreciate you guys. I'll see you guys tomorrow at 5:00 PM. Go get back at it. If you guys don't know yet, just joined us as your first time on this channel. Take a second. Subscribe. Turn on live notifications. Okay. We are live action right now.


You want to be here strong as notifications. I'm dr. Pine set. The website is If you want more information, you want to get to your greatness. Check that out. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Five o'clock let's get at it. Y'all and later Today is the day. Guys. No more excuses, no more complaining your going to take your future in your own hands.


You're going to dominate. You're going to be successful. Get to my website, I challenge you. What are you going to do today to make your life better?



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